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10/16/2007   11 a.m. :: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting
Information: to consider Senate Bill 305 (Rafferty-R-Montgomery) amending the Solid Waste Management Act relating to repeat violations, Senate Bill 1017 (Brubaker-R-Lancaster) removing the exemption for dishwasher detergent in the Phosphate Detergent Act; Senate Bill 1068 (M.White-R-Venango) requiring fines and penalties to be deposited in the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act, Senate Bill 1069 (M.White-R-Venango) requiring an annual report on the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund, Senate Bill 1086 (Regola-R-Westmoreland) amending the Flood Control Law to further provide for contracts and acquisition or property, House Bill 43 (Rubley-R-Chester) providing for uniform environmental covenants for brownfields projects.
Location: Hearing Room 1, North Office Building, Harrisburg