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10/15/2018 :: Senate Appropriations Committee
Information: meets to consider House Bill 544 (Moul-R-Adams) further providing for liability protection for landowners opening their land for public recreation, House Bill 927 (Rader-R-Monroe) amends Act 101 Municipal Waste Planning and Recycling Act to eliminate the mandate on smaller municipalities to have a leaf waste collection program (House Fiscal Note and summary), House Bill 1284 (Peifer-R-Pike) directs DCED to develop a one-stop-shop online business formation and permitting portal for business (House Fiscal Note and summary), House Bill 2075 (Charlton-R-Delaware) authorizing rate recovery for customer-owned lead water service lines: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/CteeInfo/index.cfm?Code=3&CteeBody=S
Location: Rules Room, Off the Floor