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11/16/2016   8:30 a.m. :: League Of Women Voters Shale & Public Health Conference
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/10/league-of-women-voters-2016-shale.html
Location: University of Pittsburgh University Club, 123 University Place, Pittsburgh

11/16/2016   8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. :: PEC, Philly Bar: Attorneys Tackle Climate Change In Philadelphia
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/11/pec-philadelphia-bar-attorneys-tackle.html
Location: Drinker Biddle, One Logan Square, Ste. 2000, Philadelphia

11/16/2016   9 a.m. :: PRPS, DCNR Community Conservation Grant Workshop-Clarion County
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/10/prps-dcnr-set-community-conservation.html
Location: Park Inn Radisson Hotel, Clarion

11/16/2016   10 a.m. :: DCNR Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council
Information: http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/cnrac/
Location: Room 105 Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg
Contact: Gretchen Leslie 717-772-9084 or send email to: gleslie@pa.gov, 

11/16/2016   10 a.m. :: Joint House/Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee Hearing
Information: to review emergency preparedness and response measures for natural gas and petroleum pipeline infrastructure.
Location: Hearing Room 1, North Office Building

11/16/2016   6:30 p.m. :: DEP Hearing On VOC Credit Transfers To Perdue Soybean Plant Lancaster
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/11/dep-nov-16-hearing-emission-credits-for.html
Location: Bainbridge Fire Hall, 34 South 2nd Street in Bainbridge, Lancaster County