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2/12/2008   9:30 a.m. :: House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Hearing
Information: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=8628&SubjectID=
Location: Room G-50 Irvis Building, Harrisburg

2/12/2008   9:30 a.m. :: Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee Hearing
Information: on the PUC Budget.
Location: Room 8E-A East Wing

2/12/2008   11 a.m. :: Senate Game and Fisheries Committee
Information: meets to consider House Bill 1214 (Surra-D-Elk) changing the terms of Game Commissioners from eight to four years.
Location: Room 8E-B East Wing, Capitol Building

2/12/2008   12 p.m. :: Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee
Information: meets to consider Senate Bill 1264 (Boscola-D-Lehigh) providing for geologists in training.
Location: Room 461 Main Capitol