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2/20/2020 :: Senate Budget Hearings
Information: 3:00 - Attorney General: http://appropriations.pasenategop.com/
Location: Hearing Room 1, North Office Building, Webcast Available

2/20/2020   8:30 a.m. :: DEP Environmental Justice Advisory Board
Information: http://www.dep.pa.gov/PublicParticipation/EnvironmentalJustice/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 16th Floor Delaware Room, Rachel Carson Building
Contact: Allison Acevedo, 484-250-5818 or alacevedo@pa.gov, 

2/20/2020   10 a.m. :: DEP Hearing [If Needed] On RACT II Air Quality Plan For Dart Container, East Lampeter Twp, Lancaster County
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2020/01/dep-sets-hearings-if-needed-on-ract-ii.html
Location: DEP Southcentral Regional Office, 909 Elmerton Avenue in Harrisburg

2/20/2020   12 p.m. - 1 p.m. :: Penn State PennTAP 50001 Energy Management Systems Webinar
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2020/01/penn-state-pa-technical-assistance.html
Location: Online

2/20/2020   5 p.m. :: House Game & Fisheries Committee
Information: hearing on the Saturday opening day of deer season: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/CteeInfo/index.cfm?Code=18&CteeBody=H
Location: Mon Valley CTC, 5 Guttman Blvd, Charleroi, Washington County

2/20/2020   5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. :: Interfaith Dinner In Allentown On The Water We Share
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2020/02/interfaith-dinner-to-focus-on-water-we.html
Location: Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley in Allentown

2/20/2020   7 p.m. - 9 p.m. :: Chester Ridley Crum Watersheds Association Restoring American Shad To The Brandywine River Program
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2020/01/science-on-tap-2020-restoring-american.html
Location: WaR3house3, 100 Park Avenue in Swarthmore, Delaware County