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4/14/2016 :: PEC Regional Watershed Workshop-King Of Prussia
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/03/pa-environmental-council-to-hold-6.html
Location: King Of Prussia

4/14/2016 :: York County Town Hall Reception On Water Quality Issues
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/03/clean-water-counts-york-county-town.html
Location: Wrightsville

4/14/2016 :: NRCS PA State Technical Committee
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/04/nrcs-pa-state-technical-committee-to.html
Location: Harrisburg

4/14/2016 - 4/15/2016 :: West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2015/10/save-date-2016-west-branch-susquehanna.html
Location: State College

4/14/2016   9:15 a.m. :: CANCELED-DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee
Information: http://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Air/BAQ/AdvisoryGroups/Air-Quality-Technical-Advisory-Committee/Pages/default.aspx#.VnP44Daa10c
Location: Room 105 Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg
Contact: Nancy Herb, nherb@pa.gov, 

4/14/2016   10 a.m. :: Legislative Forestry Task Force Meeting
Information: on invasive species and their impact on forest health. Presenters for the task force meeting include: Mr. Don Eggen, forest health manager, DCNR's Bureau of Forestry; Mr. Sven Shichiger, entomology program manager, Department of Agriculture; and Dr. Sarah Johnson, conservation GIS analyst, The Nature Conservancy-Pennsylvania Chapter.
Location: Room 217 Forest Resources Building, Penn State University. State College

4/14/2016   10 a.m. :: DEP Northwest Regional Roundtable Meeting
Information: Carl Jones, Director of DEP’s Office Of Environmental Justice is guest speaker.

Location: DEP Northwest Regional Office, 230 Chestnut St., Meadville