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4/26/2005 :: Auto Recycler Mercury Switch Removal Workshop
Information: http://www.depesf.state.pa.us/news/cwp/view.asp?a=3&q=458160
Location: Montgomery County Fire Academy, 1175 Conshohocken Rd, Conshohocken

4/26/2005   10 a.m. :: Critical Water Planning Area Subcommittee of the State Water Plan, Statewide Water Resources Committee (DEP)
Information: Meeting to discuss the development of criteria/guidelines for designation of Critical Water Planning Areas. Information: http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/watermgt/wc/act220/default.htm
Location: DEP Southcentral Regional Office, Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg
Contact: Susan K. Weaver, 717-783-8055, suweaver@ state.pa.us