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5/10/2007 - 5/12/2007 :: PA Land Conservation Conference
Information: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=6155&SubjectID=
Location: State College

5/10/2007   9:30 a.m. :: CANCELLED - DEP Delaware Water Resources Regional Committee
Information: Rescheduled to May 11 http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/watermgt/wc/act220/RegionalComm/Delaware/default.htm
Location: Sweet Arrow Lake County Park Clubhouse, Clubhouse Rd., Pine Grove

5/10/2007   10 a.m. :: DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee
Information: http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/advcoun/solidwst/swac.htm
Location: Room 105 Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg