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5/18/2016 :: Senate Urban Affairs & Housing Committee
Information: meets to consider Senate Bill 141 (Greenleaf-R-Montgomery) amending the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law to require disclosure of a property’s flood history, Senate Bill 142 (Greenleaf-R- Montgomery) amending the Landlord and Tenant Act to require disclosure of a property’s flood history
Location: Rules Room, Off the Floor

5/18/2016   10 a.m. :: CANCELED-DEP Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee
Information: Rescheduled to June 23. http://www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Energy/OilandGasPrograms/OilandGasMgmt/OilGasConventional/Pages/default.aspx#.VrSJKMea10c
Location: Room 105 Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg
Contact: Kurt Klapkowski, Office of Oil and Gas Management, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, 717-772-2199, kklapkowsk@pa.gov, 

5/18/2016   10:30 a.m. :: Senate Consumer Protection & Professional Licensure Committee
Information: meets to consider House Bill 1241 (R.Brown-R-Monroe) exempting resorts offering water and sewage services from definition of public utility.
Location: Room 461 Main Capitol