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6/12/2017 :: House Appropriations Committeee
Information: to consider House Bill 913 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by incorporated towns, House Bill 914 (Everett-R- Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by boroughs, House Bill 915 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by first class townships, House Bill 916 (Everett-R-Lycoming) providing for the adoption of stormwater fees by Cities of the Third Class
Location: Room 140, Off the Floor

6/12/2017   9:30 a.m. :: House State Government Committee Hearing
Information: a hearing on entities regulated by the Susquehanna River Basin Commission to investigate concerns of regulatory overreach by the Commission.
Location: Susquehanna University, Stretansky Hall, 514 University Ave, Selinsgrove

6/12/2017   12:30 p.m. :: House Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee
Information: to consider House Bill 1494 (Rapp-R-Forest) authorizing the state to enter into a cooperative agreement with federal agencies for the purpose of selling timber on federal land
Location: Room G-50 Irvis Building

6/12/2017   6 p.m. - 9 p.m. :: DEP Hearing On Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline Permits-Wyoming County
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2017/05/dep-sets-4-regional-hearings-on.html
Location: Tunkhannock Middle School Auditorium, Tunkhannock Middle School, 200 Franklin Avenue, Tunkhannock, Wyoming County
Contact: To register contact: Colleen Connolly, Northeast Regional Office, (570) 826-2035, coconolly@pa.gov, 

6/12/2017   6 p.m. - 9 p.m. :: DEP Hearing On Atlantic Sunrise Pipeline Permits-Lancaster
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2017/05/dep-sets-4-regional-hearings-on.html
Location: Max Smith Auditorium, Lancaster Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster, Lancaster County
Contact: To register contact: Megan Lehman, Northcentral Regional Office, (570) 327-3659, meglehman@pa.gov,