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6/12/2016 - 6/17/2016 :: Susquehanna Greenway Laceyville to Shickshinny Sojourn
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/02/susquehanna-greenway-susquehanna-river.html
Location: Susquehanna River

6/16/2016   9 a.m. :: 3 Rivers Wet Weather Green Infrastructure Ground Truthing Workshop
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/05/allegheny-county-municipal-stormwater.html
Location: Green Tree Municipal Building, Pittsburgh

6/16/2016   9 a.m. :: Susquehanna River Basin Commission
Information: http://www.srbc.net/pubinfo/publicparticipation.htm
Location: DoubleTree Resort, Lancaster

6/16/2016   10 a.m. :: DEP State Board for Certification of Water & Wastewater Systems Operators
Information: http://www.dep.pa.gov/PublicParticipation/AdvisoryCommittees/WaterAdvisory/CPAC/Pages/default.aspx#.VrSKJcea10c
Location: 10th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg
Contact:  Cheri Sansoni, Bureau of Safe Drinking Water, Operator Certification, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101, 717-772-5158, csansoni@pa.gov, 

6/16/2016   10 a.m. :: DEP Mining & Reclamation Advisory Board
Information: Regulation, Legislation and Technical Committee meeting on draft permit fees.
Location: 14th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building
Contact: Daniel E. Snowden, 717-783-8846 or send email to: dsnowden@pa.gov., 

6/16/2016   12 p.m. :: PennTAP Pollution Prevention, Energy Efficiency Webinar
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2016/05/penntap-pollution-prevention-energy.html
Location: Online