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6/22/2015 :: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee
Information: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=32548&SubjectID=
Location: Rules Room, Off the Floor

6/22/2015   12:15 p.m. :: House Transportation Committee Meeting
Information: meets to consider Senate Bill 385 (Pileggi-R-Delaware) providing incentives for development around transit stations
Location: Room 205 Ryan Building

6/22/2015   6 p.m. :: Hearing On IESI Landfill Expansion Northampton County
Information: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=32490
Location: Saucon Valley High School Auditorium, at 2100 Polk Valley Road, Hellertown