Go To Monthly Calendar

6/5/2005 - 6/8/2005 :: Cultivating a Greener Downtown - PA Downtown Center Conference
Information: http://www.padowntown.org/conferences/info/default.asp
Location: State College, PA

6/7/2005 :: Watershed Stewardship Toolkit Workshop - Western PA Conservancy
Information: This free workshop will teach from the new Watershed Stewardship Guide: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=1731&SubjectID=88
Location: Greensburg
Contact: Angela Zimmers , 724-459-0953 ext. 113, azimmers@paconserve.org

6/7/2005 :: Watershed Stewardship Workshop - WPC
Information: http://www.paenvironmentdigest.com/newsletter/default.asp?NewsletterArticleID=2130&SubjectID=
Location: Greensburg
Contact: Angela Zimmers, 724-459-0953 ext. 113, azimmers@paconserve.org

6/7/2005 :: Senate Consumer Protection Committee Hearing
Information: PUC nominees
Location: Harrisburg

6/7/2005 :: Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting
Information: To consider Senate Resolution 125 (MJ White-R, Musto-D) urging Congress to provide more funding to the states for leaking underground storage tanks; and Senate Bill 722 (Musto-D) extending the sunset date on the heating oil tank cleanup program.
Location: Harrisburg

6/7/2005 :: House Consumer Affairs Committee Meeting
Information: To consider House Bill 893 (Semmel-R-Berks) changing procedures for shutting off water and sewage services and House Bill 1461 (McIlhinney-R-Chester) providing energy efficiency standards for certain appliances.
Location: Harrisburg

6/7/2005 - 6/8/2005 :: Designing Low-Energy Buildings - Sustainable Buildings Industry Council
Information: http://www.icebase.com/go.shtml?20050509105119246444&m1088&http://www.cooleremail.net/users/cologie/library37.pdf
Location: Harrisburg

6/7/2005   9:30 a.m. :: Joint Legislative Budget & Finance Committee Meeting
Information: Report on County Conservation Districts
Location: Room 8E-A Capitol Building

6/7/2005   10 a.m. :: CANCELLED: Storage Tank Advisory Committee (DEP)
Information: Scheduled meeting time. For more information: http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/subject/advcoun/stortank/stortank.htm
Location: 10th Floor Conf. Room Rachel Carson Building, Harrisburg
Contact: Diane Harden, 717-772-5551, dharden@state.pa.us