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7/8/2017 :: House Appropriations Committeee
Information: meets to consider Senate Bill 144 (Yaw-R-Lycoming) amending Act 537 on include alternative on-lot sewage systems in sewage plans; Senate Bill 589 (Langerholc-R-Bedford) increasing maximum allowable weight for natural gas vehicles
Location: Room 140, Off the Floor

7/8/2017 :: Senate Appropriations Committee
Information: meets to consider House Bill 409 (Evankovich-R-Allegheny) making changes to the process for adopting amendments to the Uniform Construction Code; House Bill 1494 (Rapp-R-Forest) authorizing the state to enter into a cooperative agreement with federal agencies for the purpose of selling timber on federal land
Location: Rules Room, Off the Floor

7/8/2017   10:30 a.m. :: PRC Backyard Composting Workshop - Allegheny County
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2017/06/prc-hosts-rain-barrel-composting.html
Location: Western Allegheny Community Library, Oakdale, Allegheny County

7/8/2017   4 p.m. :: Pinchot's Grey Towers Farm To Table, Explore The Landscape Event
Information: http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2017/06/farm-to-table-explore-landscape-of.html
Location: Grey Towers, Milford, Pike County