Previous Month March 2009 Next Month

DEADLINE - Great Lakes Basin Farm Erosion Control Grants


Fish & Boat Commission Mussel Public Meeting
(6:30 p.m.)

House Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings

DEADLINE - Coastal Zone Land Acquisition Grants


House Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings

Senate Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings

REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Webinar


DEP Climate Change Advisory Committee
(10 a.m.)

DEP Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee
(10 a.m.)

Senate Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings

McKean Dirt, Gravel Roads Maintenance Workshop


DEP Chesapeake Bay Advisory Committee
(9 a.m.)

Energy Auditing Roundtable/Workshop
(9 a.m.)

Senate Appropriations Committee Budget Hearings

Society of Women Environmental Professionals Central PA Conference

Westmoreland County Engineers Workshop


Westmoreland County Engineers Workshop

House Commerce Committee hearing
(1:30 p.m.)

State Board for Certification of Sewage Enforcement Officers
(10 a.m.)


Game Commission Deer Management Open House
(10 a.m.)

PA Recreation & Park Society Citizen Symposium Annual Conference

Schuylkill Watershed Congress


PA Recreation & Park Society Citizen Symposium Annual Conference

Wildlands Conservancy Banff Mountain Film Festival


PA Recreation & Park Society Citizen Symposium Annual Conference

Keystone HELP Energy Contractor Webinar
(11 a.m.)

DEADLINE - Governor's Environmental Excellence Awards


PA Recreation & Park Society Citizen Symposium Annual Conference

Senate Game and Fisheries Committee Meeting
(12 p.m.)

Senate Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure Committee
(10:30 a.m.)

DEP Storage Tank Advisory Committee
(10 a.m.)

Keystone HELP Energy Contrator Webinar
(9 a.m.)


PA Recreation & Park Society Citizen Symposium Annual Conference

Keystone HELP Energy Contractor Webinar
(2 p.m.)

Delaware River Basin Commission Meeting
(10:30 a.m.)

DEP Sewage Advisory Committee Meeting
(10:30 a.m.)

DEP Sewage Advisory Committee
(10:30 a.m.)

CANCELED - DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board
(10 a.m.)

House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Meeting
(9:30 a.m.)

REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Webinar


Benefits Of West Branch Susquehanna Cleanup Presentation
(7 p.m.)

Keystone HELP Energy Contractor Webinar
(4 p.m.)

Susqhenanna River Basin Commission Meeting
(1 p.m.)

House Appropriations Committee Hearing On Carbon Sequestration
(10 a.m.)

DEP Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee
(9:15 a.m.)

PA Environmental Educators Conference

CANCELED- DEP Laboratory Acceditation Advisory Committee


PA Environmental Educators Conference


Grame Commission Deer Management Open House
(10 a.m.)

Southeast PA Environmental Advisory Council Conference


DEADLINE - Rivers Conservation Fly Fishing Youth Camp Applications Due

National Middle School Green Competition Challenge

DEADLINE - Allegheny County Enviro Star Awards

World Water Day Event In New Hope-Solebury High School


DEADLINE - EPA Environmental Community Grants


Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee
(11:15 a.m.)

DEP Citizens Advisory Council
(11 a.m.)

Senate Transportation Committee Hearing
(9:30 a.m.)

CANCELED - Environmental Quality Board
(9 a.m.)

House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee
(9 a.m.)

DEP Flood Protection Workshop


DEP Flood Protection Workshop

Cooperative Extension Natural Gas Drilling Webinar

PA Home Energy Conference - Contractor Training


DEP Flood Protection Workshop

PA Home Energy Conference - Contractor Training

DEP Solid Waste Advisory Committee
(10 a.m.)

Tree Care Short Course

PAEE Environmental Education Conference


PAEE Environmental Education Conference

DEADLINE-Philadelphia Hidden Streams Student Art/Video Contest

Kings Gap Environmental Health Symposium

Tree Care Short Course

Lehigh Valley Green Buildings Expo


PAEE Environmental Education Conference

Lehigh Valley Green Buildings Expo

Game Commission Deer Management Open House
(10 a.m.)

Lititz Run Watershed Alliance Spring Cleanup
(8 a.m.)

Lower Susquehanna River Cleanup


PAEE Environmental Education Conference

Lehigh Valley Green Buildings Expo

Ecosystem Based Management - The Chesapeake And Other Systems Conference


Ecosystem Based Management - The Chesapeake And Other Systems Conference

Senate Appropriations Committee Meeting
(12:30 p.m.)

PA Energy Development Authority
(10 a.m.)


Ecosystem Based Management - The Chesapeake And Other Systems Conference

DEP, DCNR Grant Process Workshop
(12:30 p.m.)

Senate State Government Committee Meeting
(11 a.m.)

House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee
(10 a.m.)

House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee
(9:15 a.m.)

Susquehanna Greenway Symposium

Green Stormwater Design: Putting Nature Back Into The City


Ecosystem Based Management - The Chesapeake And Other Systems Conference

DCNR Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council
(10 a.m.)

CANCELED - DEP Coal & Clay Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund Board
(10 a.m.)

Senate Local Government Committee Meeting
(9:30 a.m.)

DOE Motor System Best Practices Workshop


House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Economic Impact and Infrastructure Hearing
(1 p.m.)

DEP Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board
(10 a.m.)

DEP Statewide Water Resources Committee
(9:30 a.m.)

House Consumer Affairs Committee Hearing
(9 a.m.)

CANCELED - DEP Radiation Protection Advisory Committee
(9 a.m.)

Tree Care Short Course

Evining Vernal Pool Tour At Scotia Barrens

DEP Waste Management Seminar


Allegheny Regional Strategy Session On The Green Economy
(8:30 a.m.)

Tree Care Short Course

DEADLINE - USDA Flood-Prone Land Stimulus Funding


Earth Hour
(8:30 p.m.)

Game Commission Deer Management Open House
(10 a.m.)

Advanced Forestry Workshop-Westmoreland

Allegheny County Electronics Recycling Event



Environmental Issues Forum
(12 p.m.)

PROP Business & Industry Recycling Committee
(10 a.m.)

2009 Green$sense Conference


2009 Green$sense Conference

Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Hearing
(9:30 a.m.)

House Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Hearing/Meeting
(9:15 a.m.)

Spring Creek Canyon Master Plan Public Meeting

Green$ense - Beyond Buildings Conference

DEADLINE - PA Environmental Professionals Karl Mason Award

DEADLINE- PA CleanWays Litter Hawk Youth Award


List Events For This Month