Recycling Performance Grant Applications for Calendar 2007 Due September 30
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for Calendar 2007 Recycling Performance grants. Recycling Performance grants will be awarded to municipalities based on a formula comprising the weight of source-separated recyclable materials identified in Act 101 recovered by municipal recycling programs, the population of the municipality as determined by the most recent decennial census, and other factors. Grants will be awarded only for properly documented, eligible materials that were actually marketed on or after January 1, 2007, to and including December 31, 2007. Eligible materials include post-consumer: clear glass, colored glass, aluminum cans, steel and bimetallic cans, high-grade office paper, newsprint, corrugated paper, other marketable grades of paper, and plastics. Municipalities wishing to file an application should contact their County Recycling Coordinator or DEP at the address that follows. Applications may also be downloaded from DEP’s Recycling Grant webpage or contact Mark Vottero, Bureau of Waste Management, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P.O. Box 8472, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8472 or send email to: . |
8/8/2008 |
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