Scrapbook Photo 02/03/25 - 101 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Appointments Announced to Climate Change Advisory Committee

Gov. Rendell and Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi (R-Delaware) this week announced appointments to the new Climate Change Advisory Committee created by the Pennsylvania Climate Change Act signed into law in July 9.

The committee comprises six members appointed by the Governor, six by the Senate and six by the House of Representatives. The secretaries of the departments of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Community and Economic Development and the chair of the Public Utility Commission are ex officio voting members of the committee.

The advisory committee is charged with advising the Department of Environmental Protection on implementing the act and creating a report on potential climate change impacts and economic opportunities for the Commonwealth.

Gov. Rendell appointed:

· Daniel Desmond, Elizabethtown, former Deputy Secretary of DEP’s Office of Energy and Technology Deployment;

· Sarah Hetznecker, Malvern, co-founder of a solar energy systems design and installation firm that was acquired by SunTechnics, a subsidiary of Conergy AG, the world’s largest renewable energy systems integrator;

· Jan Jarrett, Mechanicsburg, vice president of Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future, a statewide public interest membership organization that advances policies to protect and improve the state's environment and economy;

· Vivian Loftness, FAIA, Pittsburgh, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a LEED-accredited professional whose major research projects have focused on climate change impacts and high-performance buildings;

· Sister Patricia Lupo, Erie, director of programs for Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force, has been a leading influence in education, environment and conservation for more than 40 years; and

· Ronald L. Ramsey, Harrisburg, representing the Nature Conservancy of Pennsylvania, a leading conservation organization working to protect ecologically important lands and waters.

Sen. Pileggi’s appointments include:

· H. Peter Alyanakian, vice president, Wolfington Companies, West Conshohocken;

· Robert Barkanic, Senior Director for Environmental Management, PPL Corp, and a board member of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council;

· Terry Bossert, an attorney with Post & Schell Environmental Regulation & Litigation Group, former Chief Counsel of the Department of Environmental Protection and a board member of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council;

· David Cannon, Vice President for Environmental Affairs, Allegheny Energy

The Climate Change Advisory Committee will meet for the first time from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., September 5, in Room 105 of the Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market St., Harrisburg.


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