Gov. Rendell Announces $280 Million In Federal Funding For Low-Income Energy Assistance

At the 2008 Stay Warm PA Summit this week, Gov. Rendell announced $280 million in low-income energy assistance available as a result of the federal economic bailout bill before more than350 community leaders from across the state.

The state will also expand eligibility for LIHEAP to Pennsylvanians earning up to $44,443 for a family of four -- an increase from 150 percent of the federal poverty level to approximately 210 percent of the federal poverty level.

"As you know, we are committed this year to helping Pennsylvanians turn down, seal off, and save up," said Gov. Rendell as he addressed six other regional meetings across the state via video conference. "Energy assistance can't just mean money to help pay energy bills, it has to also include helping our fellow Pennsylvanians to conserve energy to drive down their own costs so they can stay warm all winter.

"We also know, though, that even after Pennsylvanians do all they can to use less energy, there will be people who still can't afford to pay the bill. That's why I am announcing today that we are prepared to help with $280 million in additional heating support through LIHEAP for the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians," Gov. Rendell said. "As a result, nearly 80,000 more Pennsylvanians will be eligible for a LIHEAP grant to help pay their heating bills this winter, and 30,000 more Pennsylvanians will be able to receive crisis grants when they are in danger of losing their heat. That means, in total, 450,000 families are now eligible for LIHEAP grants."

The Commonwealth will also increase the amount of LIHEAP grants to get more aid in the hands of Pennsylvanians. The minimum cash grant will increase from $100 to $300 and residents in need of crisis assistance will see their maximum grant rise from $300 to $800.

The Department of Public Welfare will begin awarding LIHEAP funds on November 3. A portion of the additional LIHEAP resources -- $10 million -- will come from the state's new Alternative Energy Investment Fund, which Gov. Rendell signed into law in July. Drawing down these resources for LIHEAP depends on the credit market opening up to enable the energy fund bonds to be issued.

"Even with increased funding for LIHEAP, there is much work to be done at the state and local levels to ensure that no one is forced to go without heat during the winter," Gov. Rendell said. "That is why we have asked community leaders and other partners to help ensure that Pennsylvanians have access to the resources they need to stay warm all winter."

To boost public awareness, the Commonwealth launched the "Turn Down, Seal Off, Save Up" outreach campaign to encourage residents to turn down their thermostats and seal off drafts in order to save as much as $740 in annual heating costs.

The website includes tips on how to make a home more energy efficient, contact information for financial assistance, and an online toolkit featuring resources people and organizations can use to raise awareness in their communities.

NewsClips: Federal Money Helps Increase LIHEAP Funds

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