Tips On How You Can Conserve Fuel, Cut Costs as Gas Prices Climb
With gasoline prices averaging above $2 a gallon and the summer driving season approaching, the Department of Environmental Protection offered these tips to help motorists conserve fuel and save on gasoline costs while also helping the environment. -- Avoid quick stops and starts. This can save up to two miles a gallon. -- Don't be an aggressive driver. It lowers gas mileage by as much as 33 percent on the highway and 5 percent on city streets, which results in 7 cents to 49 cents a gallon. -- Avoid excessive idling. Sitting idle gets zero miles per gallon and consumes between one half and one gallon of gasoline per hour. -- Check your vehicle's gas cap. Loose, damaged and missing gas caps allow 147 million gallons of gas to vaporize every year. -- Check your tire pressure. When tires are under inflated, it is like driving with the parking brake on and can cost a mile or two per gallon. -- Replace worn spark plugs in older vehicles. A vehicle can have up to eight spark plugs, which fire as many as 3 million times every 1,000 miles. A dirty spark plug causes misfiring, wasting fuel. -- Replace dirty air filters that waste gas and cause engines to lose power. Replacing these filters can improve gas mileage by as much as 10 percent, saving about 15 cents a gallon. -- Combine errands to reduce vehicle miles traveled. -- Take unnecessary weight out of trunks or back seats. By some estimates, hauling around an extra 100 pounds can cost 1 mile a gallon. -- Whenever possible, take public transportation or carpool. Among the factors contributing to rising prices: unprecedented demand on global oil reserves, the U.S. dollar's declining value against other major currencies, declining refinery and distribution storage capacity in the |
5/28/2004 |
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