Scrapbook Photo 12/02/24 - 90 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
November PA Center For Environmental Education Newsletter Now Available

The November issue of the EE Connections newsletter from the Pennsylvania Center for Environmental Education is now available online. This month's features include:

General News: DCNR Awards $1 Million for Pittsburgh Parks, Trees and Trails, New Report Outlines Potential of Cellulosic Biofuels in PA,Abstracts Invited for Science & Environmental Summit, DCNR, Partners Sign Pennsylvania Water Trails Agreement,Philadelphia Design Team to Build LEED Platinum Home, Four PA Environmental Achievement Award Winners

K-12 News: PA Project Grass Scholarship Essay and Interview Contest, Upper Merion School District Saves Green by Going Green,Curious George Helps Bring Earth Science to Children, Chesapeake Bay Foundation 2009 Education Programs,

Higher Education: Abstracts Accepted for Student Watershed Symposium, Three PA Schools Receive Green Power Awards,CMU Receives AT&T Environmental Fellowship Grants, Dixon University Center to Upgrade Energy & Building Systems,SEI Releases Sustainability Report Card, New Website, National Student Design Competition Seeking Applicants

Professional Development: Pennsylvania Songbirds Teacher Workshop at Sanctuary, Little Buffalo Hosts Project WILD Aquatic Workshop,PAEE Conference, Call For Award Nominations, 2008 USGBC Educators Summit

Grants/Awards: DEP's Environmental Education Grants Now Available, EPA "Environmental Quality of Life" Grant Proposals Due,Organic Farming Research Foundation Grants for Education, Invitation to Apply for IPM Partnership Grants

Contributions welcome! The Center receives news and information from a variety of sources across Pennsylvania and beyond. We appreciate all of the organizations, agencies and individuals who provide EE services and share their relevant information.

If you would like to contribute to future issues of EE Connections, please submit your article before the 15th of the month. Articles should be of statewide interest and are subject to space availability.

Share EE Connections! If you know of others who would appreciate receiving EE Connections, please  complete the on-line form or call 724-738-9020. To see all of the resources available on the PCEE website.


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