DCNR Survey Asks Residents For Input On Enjoying The Outdoors
As part of the update to the Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is asking residents about their outdoor recreation activities and ideas about how to improve those opportunities in the state. More than 12,000 surveys are being mailed to a random sample of citizens that represent all Pennsylvanians. Answers are used to develop the plan that helps identify emerging recreation issues and capital investments in state and local park and recreation facilities. “Pennsylvania is blessed with some of the most beautiful outdoor areas in the world, including parks, rivers, trails and green areas,” DCNR Secretary Michael DiBerardinis said. “We want to better understand what people like to do outdoors—whether it’s swimming, geocaching, walking for exercise or many other activities—so that we can plan our future grant making, recreation land conservation, facility development and management to meet their needs and desires.” The survey is being conducted for DCNR by Penn State University. Participation is voluntary and confidential. Randomly selected residents will receive a letter that includes a 12-page survey. They also have the option to complete the survey online. It should take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. “We are asking people how often they participate in outdoor activities and why, what types of activities and where, the quality of the facilities and opportunities available to them nearby and some of their attitudes related to public recreation, conservation and open space,” Secretary DiBerardinis said. “We encourage everyone who receives a survey to complete it and send it back, because they will be helping direct the future work and outdoor recreation priorities of the commonwealth.” The Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan is updated every five years. |
12/5/2008 |
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