DCNR/PA CleanWays Putting Up Adoption Signs On Greenways Across Pennsylvania
Through DCNR’s Community Conservation Partnerships Program, PA CleanWays is putting up information signs at greenways across the state.
These signs, aimed at education the public about Pennsylvania’s developing greenway system, include the definition of a greenway and seek volunteers to adopt the area. PA CleanWays is targeting greenways that have been cleaned through our illegal dump cleanup program.
To date, 304 tons of trash has been cleaned from 32 sites with DCNR funding and PA CleanWays expertise.
Signage will be erected at the following sites:Wilmore Dam & Hinston Run Dam, Cambria County;
Lower Trail, Blair County; West End Park, Monroe County; Riverfront Park, Clinton County;Warrior Ridge Dam, Huntingdon County; Mingo Creek County Park, Washington County; and Mahoning Shadow Trail, Jefferson County.
For more information, visit the PA CleanWays website. (Reprinted from DCNR Resources online newsletter.)


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