Senate Environmental Committee Reports Out Oil & Gas Transfer, Other Bills
The Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee reported out bills related to brownfield liability, flood control projects, coal bed methane disputes and transferring $174 million from the Oil and Gas Fund to the General Fund as proposed by Gov. Rendell.
The bills include:
-- Senate Bill 84 (Greenleaf-R-Montgomery) extends liability protection to nonprofit corporations in brownfield projects;
-- Senate Bill 205 (Pippy-R-Allegheny) providing funding for private sewer laterals;
-- Senate Bill 232 (Wozniak-D-Cambria) holding Army Corps of Engineers harmless for construction of collapsible dam on Conemaugh River;
-- Senate Bill 236 (Woniak) amends Stream Clearance, Rectification and Improvement Act to permit use of nonstructural alternatives to address flooding problems;
-- Senate Bill 275 (D.White-R-Indiana) establishing the Coal Bed Methane Well Dispute Resolution Act,"I am pleased that the Committee expeditiously reported out Senate Bill 275," Sen. White continued. "This bill will not change the respective rights and obligations of either party, but rather create a timely, less expensive process that will help clear up these disputes without going to court;"
-- Senate Bill 328 (Eichelberger-R-Blair) increasing the threshold for bidding requirements for flood control projects; and
--Senate Bill 490 (MJ.White-R-Venango) appropriating $174 million from the Oil and Gas Fund to DEP and other agencies to support well permitting (and was referred to Senate Appropriations Committee).
Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango) serves as Majority Chair and Sen. Ray Musto (D-Luzerne) serves as Minority Chair.


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