Calendar Of Events

Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars. Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted.  NEW indicates new from last week. Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page

March 30-- Environmental Issues Forum featuring John Burrows, Energex Corporation, on wood fuel pellets sponsored by the Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee Room G-50 Irvis Building. Noon.

March 31-- NEW. House Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meets to hold a hearing on Marcellus Shale drilling and to consider House Bill 136 (Brooks-R-Crawford) providing for the use of bioenergy crops in the reclamation of mined lands, House Bill 1027 (Phillips-R-Northumberland) prohibiting DCNR from charging fees for trailer sites for individuals 80 or more and House Bill 961( Buxton-D-Dauphin) extending the $2/ton Recycling Fee through December 2015. Room G-50 Irvis Building. 9:15.

March 31--New Time. Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee holds a hearing on the Department of Agriculture budget request. Hearing Room 1, North Office Building. 9:20.

April 1--NEW. Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee will hold a hearing to consider the nomination of John Hanger as Secretary of DEP. Hearing Room 1, North Office. 9:00.

April 1--NEW. Joint Legislative Budget and Finance Committee hearing on tax exempt property, Game Commission compliance with its strategic plan and other issues. Hearing Room 3, North Office. 10:00.

April 1--Sustainable Landscapes Conference. Milton S. Hershey School, Founders Hall, Hershey.

April 1-- DEP Solar Work Group meeting. 2nd Floor Training Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)

April 3-- House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy hearing on Marcellus Shale severance tax issues. Room 418. 10:00.

April 3--Rescheduled to May 8. State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators. (formal notice)

April 9--NEW. Senate Republican Policy Committee hearing on Marcellus Shale. PA College of Technology, Williamsport. 10:00.

April 13--NEW. House Republican Policy Committee holds a hearing on DEP Performance Review. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 1:30.

April 21--NEW. House Consumer Affairs Committee hearing on House Bill 20 (McCall-D-Carbon) phasing in electric rate increases. Room G-50 Irvis Building. 10:00.

April 22-- DEP Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting. Room 105 Rachel Carson Building. 9:30. (formal notice)

April 23-- Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and Conservation Committee hearing on recycling in Pennsylvania and Act 101. Hearing Room 1, North Office. 9:00.

April 25-- Fishtown Shad Festival. Celebrate the shad returning to the Delaware River.

April 28-- DEP Mine Families First Response and Communications Advisory Council meeting. 16th Floor Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)

April 29-- DEP Mine Families First Response and Communications Advisory Council meeting. (formal notice)

May 5--NEW. Senate Game and Fisheries Committee to hear a presentation of the Fish and Boat Commission 2008 annual report. Room 8E-A East Wing. 12:00.

May 8-- State Board for Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators.12 Fl. Conference Room, Rachel Carson Building. 10:00. (formal notice)

May 14--NEW. House Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on Chapter 14- utility shutoffs. Room 140. 9:00.

June 4--NEW. House Consumer Affairs Committee holds a hearing on implementation of Act 129 promoting energy conservation. Room 140. 9:00.

July 13-16-- PA Statewide Conference on Abandoned Mine Reclamation. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown.

DEP Calendar of Events

Environmental Education Workshop/Training Calendar (courtesy PA Center for Environmental Education)

Senate Committee Schedule

House Committee Schedule

You can watch the Senate Floor Session and House Floor Session live online.


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