Campaign For Clean Water: DEP Rollback On Marcellus Shale Drilling Illegal, Irresponsible

Members of the Pennsylvania Campaign for Clean Water said recent actions of the Department of Environmental Protection to stripped County Conservation Districts of their duties to review erosion, sediment, and stormwater control plans for natural gas well drilling sites in the Marcellus Shale formationwere "illegal" and "irresponsible."
This action is addition to the steps DEP took last year to proposean "expedited" stormwater permitting process that does not allow for public participation or meaningful agency review of permit applications. (PA Environment Digest 12/29/09)
The 36 member organizations of the Campaign for Clean Water co-signed a six-page letter to DEP Acting Secretary John Hanger condemning DEP’s actions.
No Public Notice
“DEP’s actions are complete give-aways to the oil and gas industry. DEP acted without any public notice or opportunity to comment, and in so doing have increased the likelihood of more sediment pollution to Pennsylvania’s rivers and streams," said Maya van Rossum, The Delaware Riverkeeper. "In taking these actions, DEP has ignored its own core values of environmental protection and public transparency.”
DEP Understaffed
“At a time when DEP is admittedly understaffed to deal with the rush of Marcellus Shale drilling in Pennsylvania, it makes no sense whatsoever to strip the Conservation Districts of their duties and give them to DEP staff that lack their level of experience in erosion and sediment control," said Myron Arnowitt, Pennsylvania State Director, Clean Water Action. "Many local communities have already been heavily impacted by drilling. The public is looking for more oversight, not less.”
Illegal Proposal
“Pennsylvania and federal law requires well drilling sites to adequately control stormwater and prevent erosion and sediment pollution to our rivers and streams," Matt Royer, Staff Attorney, Pennsylvania Office, Chesapeake Bay Foundation. "We believe a fast-track permitting scheme that eliminates technical review of erosion, sediment, and stormwater plans is illegal under federal and state environmental laws.”
For more information, visit the PA Campaign for Clean Water website.

Clean Water Group Decries DEP Move On Shale Exploration

Environmental Groups Condemn Changes In Regulations Of Gas Drilling


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