Online Radio - Allegheny Front Radio Highlights Laurel Hill Creek, An Endangered Stream
American Rivers recently named Laurel Hill Creek in Allegheny County one of the most endangered rivers in the country.
Laurel Hill Creek brings valuable recreation and tourism dollars to local communities. But the creek lacks safeguards to protect it from excessive water withdrawals for development and energy extraction, according to American Rivers.
Unless water planners heed the sound water management advice in Pennsylvaniafs new State Water Plan, water withdrawals could irreparably harm the clean water, fish and wildlife and recreation here and downstream on the popular Youghiogheny River.
Recently, the Allegheny Front Radio Program reported on the threats to the stream-- too many people using too much water. Click here to hear the program online.
The Allegheny Front Radio Program began in 1991 and is now a 30-minute weekly environmental update produced at WYEP-FM in Pittsburgh.


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