Teens Building A Green City--Free Symposium Led by Philadelphia Students April 25
For teens who are curious about how plants grow, how to run your own farmerĀfs market, or how to keep Philadelphia beautiful, Students United for Philadelphia Agriculture will be leading a green symposium at W.B. Saul High School of Agriculture Sciences on April 25.
Teens Building a Green City, sponsored by Penn State Cooperative Extension, Teens 4 Good, Weavers Way Co-op, W.B. Saul High School, the Urban Nutrition Initiative, Keep Philadelphia Beautiful, and Farm to City, will offer free workshops in urban agriculture and greening the city for teens, ages 14 to 18 years old. Certificates for service hours may be earned.
SUPA is a partnership of students from youth agriculture programs in Philadelphia who believe teens are the future stewards of our city. These organizations work together and share their resources to create a youth agriculture community, enrich existing green youth education programs, advocate for food sustainability in Philadelphia, and give youth an organization through which to sharpen and practice their leadership skills.
Dr. Mark Allen Hughes, Director of Sustainability for the City of Philadelphia, will deliver the opening address at Teens Building a Green City. Workshops will follow on such topics as plant identification, herbs and their uses, starting a community garden and market, leadership skills, and photosynthesis.
The workshops will be led by students from University City High School, Martin Luther King High School, Crefeld School, W.B. Saul High School, Teens 4 Good, and Grumblethorpe Historic House and Garden.
Teens Building a Green City is free and runs from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. at W.B. Saul High School, at 7100 Henry Avenue in Roxborough. Free lunch will be provided.
For more information contact Heather Zimmerman, Penn State Cooperative Extension 215-837-6096 or send email to: zimley@verizon.net.


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