PA Recreation And Park Society Honors 5 From DCNR
At the recent annual meeting of the PA Recreation and Park Society gave out awards to five current or former Department of Conservation and Natural Resource employees, recognizing many years of service in support of improving recreational opportunities and parks through the Commonwealth--

--Special Achievement Award– DCNR Secretary Michael DiBerardinis in recognition of bold and innovative leadership of the department, leaving an outstanding recreation, parks and conservation legacy for Pennsylvaniafs communities and citizens. The secretary was acknowledged for his work on greenways and trails, Growing Greener II, open space protection and restoring the urban tree canopy.

--Fred R. Coombs Award– Gary Smith, Bureau of State Parks. for outstanding service, distinctive leadership and meritorious service to the profession. It was noted that Gary is known and valued as a hard worker, creative thinker, as extremely knowledgeable on many topics and willing to volunteer for special assignments, projects and causes. The award is the highest given by PRPS.

--Lay Honor Award– Norm Lacasse, Bureau of Forestry retiree, for outstanding and significant contributions that have had a stimulating effect on a community, state or national program. Normfs passion for many years has been planting trees, working on trails and nurturing young people.

--Governmental Award– George Kaufman, Bureau of State Park retiree who is now the mayor of Jonestown Borough, Lebanon County, for leadership, dedication and commitment to improving Pennsylvaniafs state parks and community resources. George has mentored many government officials on all aspects of completing recreation and park projects.

--40 Years of Service Plaque– Bruce McFate, park manager, who is currently the manager at the Caledonia State Park complex in the southcentral part of the state.

For more information, visit the PA Recreation and Park Society website. (Reprinted from the DCNR Resource online newsletter.)


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