Grants & Awards

This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs.  NEW means from last week—

TBA-- NRCS Air Quality Initiative - Environmental Quality Incentives Program

TBA-- NRCS Grazing Assistance - Environmental Quality Incentives Program

TBA--NRCS Chesapeake Bay Watershed Initiative Grants

April 13-- EPA Sun Safety Children's K-8 Poster Contest

April 17-- EPA Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance Grants

TBA-- Commonwealth Finance Agency Geothermal, Wind Energy Projects

April 22--DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Grants

April 23-- NRCS Farmland, Forestland Conservation Proposals

April 30-- PACD Conservation District Director, Staff Awards

April 30--NEWRalph W. Abele College Scholarship Grant

May 1--NEW.  EPA Wetland Development Grant

May 1-- Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants

May 1--Friends of the Lehigh River Award

May 1-- PA American Water Environmental Grants

May 1--DCNR Forest Fire Fighting Grants

May 1--2009 ConocoPhillips/Penn State Energy Prize

May 1-- Fund for Wild Nature Grants

May 1-- PHMC Keystone Historic Preservation Grants

May 1--DEP Small Business Energy Efficiency Grants

May 1-- PA CleanWays Sue Wiseman Student Scholarships

May 15-- 2009 PROP Waste Watcher Awards

May 18-- PennVEST Green Infrastructure Projects

May 29--NEW. PA Energy Development Authority Advanced Energy Funding

TBA-- Coca-Cola/NRC Recycling Bin Grant Program

June 1--NEW. NRCS Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

June 15-- Northeast Environmental Partners Awards

June 15-- PACD College Scholarship Applications

June 25-- Local Energy Grants, Federal Stimulus Funding

June 30-- Keystone HELP Energy Conservation, Energy Star Rebates

July 17--EPA Building Healthy Communities for Active Aging Award

August 21-- Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds Grants

August 30-- EPA Lifecycle Green Building Design Competition

October 31-- PA Resources Council Lens On Litter Photo Contest

November 1-- Fund for Wild Nature Grants

Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page


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