DEP Permits Waived To Apply For Green Project Reserve Stimulus Funding, April 20 Briefing
Paul Marchetti, PA Infrastructure Investment Authority, this week announced PennVEST has waived the reequirement for DEP permits to be in-hand by the May 18 deadline for federal Green Project Reserve stimulus funding applications.
At a previous briefing, PennVEST had said DEP permits had to be in-hand at the time applications are submitted.
PennVEST, however, is still expecting applicants to have DEP permits in-hand by the time the Board considers the projects for funding in mid-July. They are still looking at permit status as an indicator the project is "shovel-ready."
One of the most confusing requirements for new applicants established in the federal law authorizing the Green Project Reserve Program is the need to demonstrate compliance with the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise requirements. DEP staff urged potential applications to call the DBE office at the agency -- 717-787-0122-- to learn the details and ask questions.
PennVEST and DEP will have a revised Q/A sheet posted on the PennVEST website as a follow up on the briefing held this week. The next briefing will be an online webinar April 20.
PennVEST anticipates awarding about $150 million of the $220 million in federal clean water stimulus funding Pennsylvania received at its April 20 meeting. That means about $70 million will remain to be awarded in July.
For more information, visit the Green Project Reserve Funding webpage.


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