April’s Mercury Bounty In Lancaster County Big Success – Still Time!
Residents still have until April 30th to receive a $5 gift card to Lowe’s and a digital thermometer for each mercury thermometer or thermostat they deliver to the Resource Recovery Facility in Bainbridge or the Household Hazardous Waste Facility in Lancaster.
Since the beginning of the month, residents have delivered: 435 mercury thermometers for personal use, 125 mercury thermostats, 19 large mercury thermometers, 80 mercury tubes and 35 pounds of elemental mercury
“LCSWMA is concerned about the environmental dangers concentrated mercury poses and with our free, drive-through Household Hazardous Waste facility we are striving to remove this material from Lancaster County homes. Partnering with Covanta in this manner has provided another opportunity to educate residents about the household hazardous waste service we provide.” said Jim Warner, LCSWMA’s Executive Director.
The Authority has been providing digital thermometers in exchange for mercury-containing devices for several years. Covanta Lancaster, Inc., the operator of the RRF, purchased the gift cards for distribution this month to encourage the proper handling and disposal of these mercury-containing devices.
Mercury thermometers and thermostats will be accepted from residents at the RRF scalehouse from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m and on Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Absolutely no other household hazardous waste material will be accepted at the RRF.
In addition to mercury thermometers and thermostats, the HHW regularly accepts elemental mercury, fluorescent bulbs (including compact bulbs), computers, televisions, cell phones, batteries, paints, cleaners and more. The drive-through HHW facility is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Visit the Lancaster County Waste Authority website for more information.


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