Cambria County 4-H, Conococheague FFA Winners In Grassland Evaluation Contest
Cambria County 4-H team members Ben Bard, Robert Veneskey, Annie Cekada and Mark Mastrine took first place in the 2009 Grasslands Evaluation Contest held at Penn State University on May 5. Earning a $500 college scholarship each, the team’s cumulative score was 878 points out of a possible 1200.
At 768 points, the Conococheague FFA club comprised of Jacob Blake, Tyler Funk, Garrison Plessinger, and Alex Fahnestock from Mercersburg, Franklin County secured second place in the competition, each winning a $250 college scholarship.
As the highest scoring individual, Ben Bard of Portage, Pennsylvania earned an additional $500 college scholarship.
Thirteen teams from school FFA chapters and 4-H groups across the Commonwealth used soil surveys, aerial photos, maps, and other tools to assess the condition of land plots designed to mimic a typical pasture used for livestock grazing.
Using a predetermined set of landowner’s goals, each competitor demonstrated their knowledge of grassland management in four categories: grassland condition, soil interpretation, wildlife habitat and plant identification. Understanding these conditions allows a landowner to identify the best management decisions that will maximize profits while sustaining the land.
A well-managed grazing system means healthy soil and clean water and air for people, wildlife and fish, as well as, lowered costs, improved herd health and reduced labor on the farm.
The knowledge students learn as a result of preparing for the contest will serve them well whether they plan to be farmers or wildlife habitat managers.
Penn’s Corner Resource Conservation and Development Council sponsored the contest and has awarded more than $15,000 in scholarships to students to attend college. Natural Resources Conservation Service provided technical assistance and Penn State University contributed technical assistance and the facilities to hold the contest.
The Centre County Conservation District coordinated lunch for the students. Contributors to the Youth Scholarship Fund this year included county conservation districts, SW Chapter Project Grass and the Pennsylvania Livestock Association.
Both the Cambria 4-H team, coached by Virgil Wilford and Lou Kopczyk, and Conococheague, coached by Herb Hoffeditz, are eligible to compete in the Mid-America Grassland Evaluation Contest in Missouri June 9-10.
For more information, visit the Southwest Grasslands Project and Southeast Grasslands Project webpages or contact Sherene Hess, Coordinator, Penn's Corner Resource Conservation and Development Area, by sending email to:


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