Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Department of Agriculture Sets Hearings On Biodiesel Infrastructure
The Department of Agriculture has scheduled three hearings during the week of May 18 to assess the capabilities of Pennsylvania’s motor fuels storage and distribution system to provide sufficient infrastructure for distribution of B2 blends of biodiesel statewide. (formal notice)
The hearings are required under Act 78 of 2008, which created provisions for a statewide biodiesel mandate when annualized production of Pennsylvania biodiesel reached 40 million gallons per year.
Gov. Rendell announced in January state production had reached that benchmark in September of 2008, setting the stage for biodiesel blends to be offered for sale beginning as early as January 1, 2010.
The hearings will be held from 1-4 p.m. on May 18, at the Southwest Commission Building in Pittsburgh, May 20 at State College High School in State College, and May 22 at the Whitehall School in Whitehall.
Anyone who wishes to provide testimony at the public hearings should submit written testimony no later than one week prior to the hearing. Each person providing testimony will have five minutes for oral testimony.
Individuals wishing to testify should schedule a time to testify by contacting Michael Rader at 717-787-9089 or by sending email to: no later than one week prior to the hearing they plan to attend.
Under the legislation, all biodiesel sold in Pennsylvania must meet or exceed ASTM D-6751 standards, and with the inception of the sales mandate, all diesel fuel sold for transportation fuel must be a two percent biodiesel blend.
The mandate cannot begin until at least six months after the Department of Agriculture certifies that sufficient infrastructure exists to deliver B2 blends to all retail outlets in the Commonwealth.
More information is available by calling ERG at 717-233-8606, by sending email or by visiting the Energy Resources Group website.


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