On the Senate/House Agenda/Session Schedule/Bills Introduced

The House and Senate return to voting session on June 1.

Session Schedule

Here's the House and Senate session schedule through June 2009--


June 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 20


June 1, 2 , 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30


House (June 1): House Resolution 17 (Harper-R-Montgomery) directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to review the Growing Greener Program and the Community Conservation Partnerships Program.

Senate (June 1): Senate Bill 45 (Greenleaf-R-Montgomery) further providing continuing education requirements for Landscape Architects, Senate Bill 617 (Orie-R-Allegheny) authorizing the Heritage Area Program in law, Senate Bill 783 (MJ White-R-Venango) requiring additional reporting on the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund, Senate Bill 829 (MJ White-R-Venango) requirnig a 60-day comment period on the proposed climate change action plan, House Bill 262 (Haluska-D-Cambria) establishing prescribed burning practices,House Bill 263 (Freeman-D-Lehigh) further authorizing agreements to protect the Appalachian Trail.


The following Committees have meetings this week--

House: the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 80 (Vitali-D-Delaware) expanding the alternative energy portfolio standards and providing for carbon dioxide sequestration network; the Appropriations Committee holds two hearings on Senate Bill 850  (Corman-R-Centre) the Senate Republican budget proposal; the Urban Affairs Committee holds a hearing on House Bill 712 (J.Taylor-R-Philadelphia) providing for the creation of land banks for the conversion of vacant properties in Philadelphia.

Bills Introduced

These bills of interest were introduced this week--

Compliance Tax Credit: House Bill 1485 (Pyle-R-Armstrong) providing a tax credit for coal burning power plants complying with nitrogen oxide and mercury reduction requirements.

H20 Debt Service: House Bill 1487 (Evans-D-Philadelphia) authorizing the use of non-gaming funds to pay debt service for the H20 Water Infrastructure investment program.

Natural Gas Severance Tax: House Bill 1489 (George-D-Clearfield) providing for a 5 percent severance tax on natural gas production.

Plastic Bag Tax: Senate Bill 864 (Leach-D-Montgomery) providing for a tax on plastic bags.

Alternative Fuel Incentives: Senate Bill 865 (Leach-D-Montgomery) adding biofuels derived from algae to the fuels subsidized under the program and Senate Bill 866 (Leach) providing for algae-based fuel production and zoning ordinances.


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