Dump The Pump Day June 18 In Central PA To Encourage Mass Transit
Commuter Services of Pennsylvania and regional transit agencies will participate in a variety of activities on June 18, “Dump the Pump” Day, an annual event promoting transit use and reduced gasoline consumption.
Commuter Services will place fliers on buses in the region to let commuters know they may qualify for a free Emergency Ride Home. The Emergency Ride Home program is for commuters who use an alternative to driving alone to work at least twice a week. It reimburses them for rides home in cases of family emergencies, freeing more commuters to participate in options such as transit, vanpools or carpools.
By using an option to commuting alone, commuters can “dump the pump” and save money, as well as reduce traffic and vehicle emissions. Public transportation in the United States saves the equivalent of four million gallons of gasoline a day, or the equivalent of 34 super tankers of oil a year, according to the American Public Transit Association, which developed the “Dump the Pump” campaign.
Regional “Dump the Pump” transit agency activities include:
--County of Lebanon Transit will offer free transit for the day and provide coloring book and crayons to children. COLT also will sell hot dogs and drinks for 25 cents each.
--Red Rose Transit Authority of Lancaster will hand out campaign buttons and offer prizes to riders who tell their “Dump the Pump” stories. The grand prize winner will receive a free year on RRTA.
--rabbittransit will launch a campaign offering riders with monthly rabbittransit passes the chance to apply for free, refurbished bicycles to help them with their transportation needs and offering potential riders the opportunity to submit emails to receive a free ride pass coupon. rabbittransit also will promote a range of commuting options in its electronic newsletter.
--Berks Area Reading Transportation Authority will give away prizes of various transit passes.
For more information, visit the Commuter Services of PA website.


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