DCED Seeks Comments On RFP For Weatherization Plan
The Department of Community and Economic Development is now accepting comments on a draft request for proposal it will issue to the Commonwealth’s 42 weatherization agencies to solicit participation in the state’s expanded weatherization program under the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
DCED will accept comments on its draft RFP through June 24, and issue the RFP July 1, with proposals due August 1. The announcement of awards will be made by September 15.
The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, or ARRA, is providing $252.8 million for Pennsylvania’s weatherization assistance program, which is designed to help low-income households decrease energy consumption and costs.
ARRA funds will allow Pennsylvania to weatherize 29,700 housing units and put nearly 1,000 people to work over the next 2-3 years.
Comments on the draft RFP should be submitted to wxrfpfeedback@state.pa.us. Questions may be directed to E. Craig Heim, executive director of the weatherization program, a tcheim@state.pa.us, or 717-214-5440


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