Support Tsunami Relief Efforts in Southern Asia, Africa

We all witnessed the devastating power of nature this week as a massive earthquake and Tsunami caused widespread loss of life and destruction in Southern Asia and Africa. If you would like to support relief efforts, consider one of these options or support others of your choosing:

Red Cross International Response Fund

Mennonite Central Committee

United Nations Children’s Fund – UNICEF

Direct Relief International

World Vision Asia Tsunami Relief

Catholic Relief Services

Lutheran World Relief (added thanks to Janice in Clarion)

OxFam (added thanks to Janice in Clarion)

The Indian Ocean region and Asia are no strangers to devastating loss of life. In 1970 a cyclone killed nearly 500,000 people in Bangladesh and in 1976 an earthquake near Tangshan, China killed over 240,000.

In the United States, no single natural disaster in our history compares to the losses in Asia and Africa. The only event that comes close was in 1900 when 8,000 people died in a hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas. Sixty-four people died in Florida as a result of four hurricanes this fall.

In Pennsylvania, we’ve had floods and other natural disasters, but none that rise to the level we’ve seen this week. The Johnstown Flood killed over 2,200 people in 1889, but the cause of those deaths was the collapse of a man-made dam.

Contents – On the Hill

· Environmental Issues to Start the 2005-06 Session of the General Assembly

· House Sets Budget Hearings for February, March

· Joint Conservation Committee Newsletter Highlights Parks, Water Issues

· House Democrats Name Committee Chairs

Other News

· Recycling Your Holiday Tree, Lots of Options

· Historical and Museum Commission Offers Historic Preservation Grant

· Citizens Guide to Dam Removal Monitoring and Restoration Now Available

· Comments Requested on Beaverdam Watershed TMDL

· Nesting Season Uncertain for Harrisburg Falcons in 2005

· Keystone Wild! Notes Winter Edition Available, Tax Check-Off Reminder

· Track Progress this Year with a 2005 “Improve Your Habitat” Calendar

· Cost Recovery Agreement Proposed with McKean County Cabinet Company

· DEP Publishes 2005 Board & Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule

· Fishing Licenses Now On Sale at the New Rate

· Quick Clips – Help for Well Owners, Windmills Pro-Con, Eagles OK After Slick

Taking Positive Actions

· Checkout for Examples of People Restoring Their Watersheds


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