DEP Accepting Applications For Alternative Energy Production Tax Credit
The Department of Environmental Protection announced this week it is accepting applications for the Alternative Energy Production Tax Credit which provides a credit of 15 percent of the net cost of alternative energy production projects located in Pennsylvania.

Applications are due September 15. (formal notice)

Eligible projects could include projects which: produce or distribute alternative energy, manufacture or produce products which provide alternative energy or alternative fuels, improve energy efficiency or conserve energy, research and develop technology to provide alternative energy sources or alternative fuels, develop or enhance the transportation of alternative fuels by means as rail, developing new more efficient locomotives or enhancing the efficiency of existing locomotives.

Eligible applicants include Pennsylvania taxpayers who completed a qualifying project in this Commonwealth between July 9, 2008 and December 31, 2008, in the preceding tax year.

DEP said the application package including guidance, instructions and application forms would be posted on its website under keyword "Alternative Energy Tax Credit."

The application package is also available by contacting the Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Energy and Technology Deployment, 15th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, P. O. Box 8772, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8772, 717-783-8411.


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