Scrapbook Photo 03/10/25 - 126 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Calendar Of Events

Upcoming conferences, meetings, workshops, plus links to other online calendars.  Meetings are in Harrisburg unless otherwise noted. NEW indicates new from last week.   Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page 

NOTE:  Due to the unpredictable nature of the Senate and House Committee schedule, meetings will be scheduled and cancelled quickly.  The Calendars and Committee schedules this week are only a snapshot in time. 

August 18-- Environmental Quality Board meeting (agenda).  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:00.

August 18
-- CANCELED. House and Senate Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committees hold a hearing marking the one year anniversary of the federal Farm Bill.  Ag Progress Days, Rock Springs.  10:00.

August 19-- NEW.  House Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee meets to consider  Senate Bill 901 (Scarnati-R-Jefferson) providing a one year exemption for small refiners to meet biodiesel mandates.  Room G-50 Irvis Building.  Off the Floor.

September 1-- DEP  Cleanup Standards Scientific Advisory Board meeting.  Room 105 Rachel Carson Building.  9:30.  (formal notice)

DEP Calendar of Events    

Environmental Education Workshop/Training Calendar  (courtesy  PA Center for Environmental Education) 

Senate Committee Schedule  

House Committee Schedule 

You can watch the  Senate Floor Session  and  House Floor Session  live online.


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