Scrapbook Photo 11/25/24 - 156 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Senate/House Bills Moving

The following bills of interest saw action this week-- 


State Parks: Senate Bill 974 (D.White-R-Indiana) directing DCNR to honor leases during periods when State Parks or Forests are closed due to an action of the agency was passed unanimously by the Senate and now goes to the House for consideration. 

H20 Program: House Bill 1798 (Eachus-D-Luzerne) adding not-for-profit organizations as an eligible applicant of the H20 water infrastructure program was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee. 


Note: A House Rule require all bills reported to the House Rules Committee during budget season (June-September) to be reported out of the Committee after the first Monday in September and automatically tabled. Most bills will later be referred to other committees. These are the bills covered by the rule: 

Oil And Gas Wells: House Bill 1155 (George-D-Clearfield) providing for addition protection of surface rights owners and requiring compensation agreements with those holding oil and gas well drillers and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. 

Natural Gas Severance Tax: House Bill 1489 (George-D-Clearfield) establishing a severance tax on natural gas production and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. 

Right To Hunt, Fish: House Bill 419 (Baker-R-Tioga) amendment to the Constitution providing for a right to hunt, fish and harvest game and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee. 

Alternative Energy Testing Lab: House Bill 1624 (Cohen-D-Philadelphia) providing for an alternative energy testing laboratory and was referred to the House Appropriations Committee.


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