Scrapbook Photo 12/16/24 - 110 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
PA CleanWays Holds Public Training Sessions On Illegal Dump Survey Results

PA CleanWays this week announced dates and locations for public training sessions to discuss the results of illegal dump survey reports that were recently released.

The sessions will focus on the illegal dumpsite reports in the following counties; Adams, Armstrong, Centre, Clarion, Forest, Perry, and Warren counties. Those attending the trainings will discuss the results of this survey and what municipalities, environmental groups, residents, and others can do to help remediate the problem of illegal dumps.

PA CleanWays has identified, assessed, and GIS mapped over 4150 illegal dumpsites containing an estimated 14,500 tons of trash in 37 counties. Their analysis shows that 29 percent of those sites are in or within 50ft of a waterway.

“The goal of the statewide survey program is to better quantify the extent of the problem so we can begin taking action through public policy, resource allocation, community education, and cleanup and abatement activities.” says Shannon Reiter, President of PA CleanWays. “Each county survey is a tool that can be used for planning purposes within a community, provide valuable insight into development of solid waste and recycling programs, and be used to gain support for funding for public awareness programs and education, as well as generate funds to clean the existing dumpsites.”

Additionally, those that attend will find out what resources are available for cleanups in their area as well as help facilitate cleanups that are scheduled for this fall.

The training, which is funded by the Utilities Program – U.S. Department of Agriculture, will be held at the following locations:

--Adams County- September 28, at 5:30 p..m., Adams County Conservation District, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 201Gettysburg. Please RSVP by September 23 to Andrea Viazanko by sending email to: or 1-877-772-3673 x108.

-- Armstrong County- October 9 at 10:00 a.m., Armstrong County Conservation District, Armsdale Administration Building 124 Armsdale Road, Kittanning. Please RSVP by October 2 to Andrea Viazanko by sending email to: or 1-877-772-3673 x108.

--Centre County– October 13 at 1:00 p.m., Centre County Solid Waste Authority, 253 Transfer Road, Bellefonte. Please RSVP by October 8 to Andrea Viazanko by sending email to: or 1-877-772-3673 x108.

--Clarion County– November 6 at 1:00 p.m., Clarion Free Library, 644 Main Street, Clarion. Please RSVP by November 4 to Stefanie Chitester by sending email to: or 1-877-772-3673 x111.

--Forest and Warren Counties– October 16 at 1:00 p.m., Warren County Visitors Bureau, 22045 Rte 6, Warren. Please RSVP by October 14 to Stefanie Chitester by sending email or 1-877-772-3673 x111.

--Perry County– September 22 at 6:30 p.m., Perry County Penn State Extension Office, 8 South Carlisle Street, New Bloomfield. Please RSVP by September 18 to Susan Carmichael by sending email or 1-877-772-3673 x107.


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