This section gives you a heads up on upcoming deadlines for grants and financial assistance as well as nominations for awards and other recognition programs. NEW means from last week—
-- Visit the DEP Grants and Loan Program webpage for more ideas on how to get financial assistance for projects you have in mind.
September 30-- DEP Recycling Performance Grants
September 30-- Water Resource Education Network Education Grants
September 30-- USDA Farm/Forest Conservation Stewardship Program
TBA- DEP PA Sunshine Solar Energy Rebates
TBA - CFA High Performance Building Financing (Program link)
TBA - CFA Solar Energy Financing(Program link)
TBA-- Commonwealth Finance Agency Geothermal, Wind Energy Projects (Program link)
October 2-- Wildlands Conservancy Charlie H. Nehf, Sr. Leadership Award
October 9-- DEP Green Energy Works Heating, Power Grants
October 20-- NEW. Growing Greener Anniversary Grants
October 22-- NEW. Pocono Forest and Waters Conservation Landscape Grants
October 23-- DEP Coastal Zone Management Grant
October 23-- DEP Biogas Renewable Electric Generation Financial Assistance
October 31-- PA Resources Council Lens On Litter Photo Contest
October 31-- Engineers Future City Competition For Middle Schoolers
November 1-- Western PA Conservancy Photo Contest
November 1-- Fund for Wild Nature Grants
November 17-- PennVEST Water, Wastewater Infrastructure Grants
December 18-- NEW. Coldwater Conservation Grants
February 16-- PennVEST Water, Wastewater Infrastructure Grants
Go To: PA Environment Digest Calendar Page