House Insurance Committee Approves Bill To Create Landslide Insurance Program
The House Insurance Committee amended and reported out legislation this week to establish a Pennsylvania Landslide Insurance and Assistance Program within the Department of Environmental Protection.

House Bill 523
 (DeLuca-D-Allegheny)would create a statewide program consisting of three parts: an insurance fund; a revolving loan program, which would include a $2.5 million low interest loan fund; and a grant program to help residents with repairs.

"I know many people in western Pennsylvania have lost their homes to landslides because they did not have an opportunity to purchase insurance to protect their homes," Rep. DeLuca said. "This program would give them an opportunity to buy landslide insurance, which is not offered right now by the private insurance companies."

Rep. DeLuca said the funding would be administered by a Pennsylvania Landslide Insurance and Assistance Board. The board members would determine insurance eligibility and coverage limits, and regulate the adjustment and settlement of claims.

Rep. DeLuca said mine-related subsidence or heavy rains can cause the earth to move and result in severe damage to homes. He said many other areas in the state are susceptible to landfills.


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