DCNR Rangers Switch To Lead-Free Ammunition
As part of efforts to practice conservation, rangers in Pennsylvania state parks are now using lead-free ammunition for training and practice, according to the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

"Lead is banned in gasoline, children's toys and paint because of its potentially harmful impacts," said John Norbeck, director of the Bureau of State Parks. "Lead bullets can be a source of soil and groundwater contamination, especially when concentrated at a firing range, which is where our rangers train and practice. As the state agency charged with conserving our natural resources, it's just common sense for us to make this switch."

Lead-free ammunition is readily available, Norbeck added. The casings for the new bullets selected by the bureau are made from recycled brass, the bullet is compressed copper and it has a lead-free primer.

"In the Bureau of State Parks, we are really trying to practice what we preach by setting a good example of green practices in the operation of our parks," Norbeck said.

Other green practices at state parks include using renewable energy sources; planting native species; practicing water conservation; using green lighting and fuel-efficient vehicles; and helping visitors understand these practices through programming and signs.

DCNR rangers routinely check on cabins and campsites, offer insightful answers to questions from visitors, and help to maintain order throughout the parks. They have full arrest powers while in park lands and do carry sidearms.


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