EPA Awards Grants To Students For Sustainability Projects
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded 43 grants to teams of college and university students across the country who will design creative technologies to sustainability challenges in the developed and developing world, including four projects in Pennsylvania.

The People, Prosperity, and the Planet (P3) Phase I awards for the 2009-2010 competition challenges students, working together on interdisciplinary teams, to design and build sustainable technologies that improve quality of life, promote economic development, and protect the environment.

The competition begins in Phase I with the award of $10,000 grants to student teams who submit applications that focus on a wide range of categories, including water, energy, agriculture, built environment, materials and chemicals, and information technology.

After working on the project for eight months, the teams will bring their designs to the 6th Annual National Sustainable Design Expo on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. At the Expo, the projects will be judged by a panel of experts and a select few will be awarded P3 Awards and Phase II grants up to $75,000 for students to further their designs, implement them in the field, or move them to the marketplace.

The Pennsylvania projects include:

Drexel University:
Drexel University students are developing a beneficial reuse of slag, which is a waste product of the refining industry, in Alkali-Activated Slag cement as a substitute for ordinary portland cement-based building materials.

Drexel University II
: Drexel University students are developing syntactic selective near infrared scattering architectural coatings for solar energy applications.

Penn State:
Pennsylvania State University students are fabricating a sustainable energy-generator system to provide electrical power to households in Kenya that would be powered by biodiesel produced from locally grown crops.

Penn State II:
Pennsylvania State University students are building and monitoring a wind turbine along Interstate 81.


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