DCNR Website Gets New Look
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website got a make-over this week to help better serve the public.

After surveying user groups and employees on the how to improve the website, DCNR used its own staff to create a new, dynamic design and organize the content in a more logical manner for the public. The site had last gone through a redesign more than eight years ago.

Several of DCNR’s hot topics are featured in the center flash module. Below the slide show are icons that provide direct links to some of DCNR’s most popular pages: Find a Park, Park Reservations, Find a Forest, Find a Trail, and Geology.

The core navigation of the site is still found on the left side of the site. Explore, Conserve, Learn, Do Business, Apply for Grants and Discover DCNR links will take you to landing pages that steer you to places within the site for in-depth discovery. If you are not familiar with what DCNR does, use this navigation and the corresponding landing pages to tap into hundreds of pages of information.

A tabbed file menu on the right side of the homepage will link you to the latest news of the agency, featured programs, an event calendar, and quick links to bureaus and topics within the agency.

For questions, comments and feedback, send email to: ra-askdcnr@state.pa.us


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