Scrapbook Photo 03/03/25 - 151 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Natural Gas Utilities, Suppliers And Experts to Brief PUC On Reliability For Winter Nov. 5
The Public Utility Commission announced its annual Winter Reliability Assessment meeting, which provides a snapshot of various conditions that may affect natural gas supply, price and service reliability for the upcoming winter, will be held November 5 in Harrisburg.

The Winter Reliability Assessment meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. November 5, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commonwealth Keystone Building.

Representatives from the PUC, Energy Association of Pennsylvania, PECO Energy Co., UGI Energy Services and Texas Eastern Interstate Pipeline will provide information. An agenda is available on the PUC’s website.

The annual meeting builds on the PUC’s efforts to help consumers “Prepare Now” for winter. This month, the Commission kicked off the campaign by sending a letter to electric and natural gas utilities urging them to take extra steps to help consumers “Prepare Now” for winter heating costs.

This is the seventh winter the Commission is urging consumers to “Prepare Now.” The message is simple: “Prepare Now” for higher energy costs this winter. Learn about changes in the law related to utility shut-offs and know your rights. Save money by learning how to conserve energy. Heat your home safely. Explore budget billing options.

Look into programs that help low-income customers restore and maintain service. Visit the PUC's “Prepare Now” webpage or call the PUC at 1-800-692-7380.

The PUC also is actively participating in Gov. Rendell’s annual Stay Warm PA campaign – “Turn Down. Seal Off. Save Up.”


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