Scrapbook Photo 09/09/24 - 120 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Key Milestones In The Growing Greener Program
Here are some key moments in the history of the Growing Greener Program--

1999 ---------------------------
February 2, 1999 - Gov. Ridge Proposes Growing Greener Initiative as part of Budget Address
July 1999 - First Statewide Acid Mine Drainage/Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference
December 15, 1999 - Gov. Ridge, members of the General Assembly, celebrate signing of Growing Greener into law-- the Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Act-- to provide nearly $645 million over five years to clean up Pennsylvania's environment. (House Bill 868)

This first year $37.5 million was distributed to 242 associations, schools, colleges, local governments, clubs and environmental groups. With the help of these funds:
-- 3,603 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 117 miles of riparian buffer are being restored;
-- 279 miles of streams impacted by acid mine drainage are being cleaned up;
-- nearly 800 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed; and
-- 43 miles of stream improvement structures are being built.
-- In this first year, $44.5 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.

2000 ----------------------------
January 4, 2000 -DEP Starts Accepting Growing Greener Applications, schedules grant workshops
January 8, 2000 -First 100 Days of Growing Greener Kicks Off
January 13, 2000 -First Growing Greener Watershed Restoration Grants awarded under Growing Greener Program.
March 3, 2000 - First $3.6 Million Growing Greener Grants Announced for Abandoned Mine Reclamation, Watershed Restoration
March 10, 2000 - First $20 Million in Growing Greener Funding for State Park Improvements
March 16, 2000 -First $15 Million in Growing Greener Grants for Local Parks, Recreation, Open Space Projects
March 22, 2000 - First $12.4 Million in Growing Greener Grants Awarded by PennVEST for Clean Water Projects
April 7, 2000 - First Growing Greener Funds Used to Protect Wild Resources
April 18, 2000 - First Full Round of $26 million in Growing Greener Grants announced in Almost Every County
April 22, 2000 -30th Anniversary of Earth Day, End of First 100 Days of Growing Greener
April 27, 2000 - Counties Offered Growing Greener Funding for 42 Watershed Specialists
June 2, 2000 - Nearly $4 Million for Mine Reclamation Projects
September 13, 2000 - DEP Accepts First Growing Greener Technical Assistance Proposals
September 26, 2000 - Watersheds.TV an online video website by the GreenTreks Network and Watershed Weekly an Online Newsletter by the PA Organization for Watersheds and Rivers Start To Share Inspiring Stories of Watershed Restoration.
- First Statewide Watershed Conference in State College attracts 325
December 1, 2000 -$42 Million in Growing Greener Grants announced

This second year $50.1 million was distributed. With the help of these funds:
-- 476 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 71 miles of riparian buffer are being restored;
-- 65 miles of stream improvement structures are being built;
-- 61 miles of AMD impacted stream are being improved; and
-- 818 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed.
-- In this second year, $49.8 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.

2001 ----------------------------
February 6, 2001 -$140 Million in Growing Greener Grants Proposed for 2001-02 Budget
April 24, 2001 - Gov. Ridge Receives Conservationist of the Year Award from PA Wildlife Federation and Audubon Pennsylvania for the Growing Greener Initiative
May 8, 2001 -DEP Refocuses Environmental Protection Programs Based On Watersheds in Environmental Futures Initiative
June 26, 2001 - 25 Honored With First Governor's Watershed Stewardship Awards

This third year $50.1 million was distributed. With the help of these funds:
-- 182 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 51 miles of riparian buffer are being restored;
-- 83 miles of streams impacted by acid mine drainage are being cleaned up;
-- 500 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed; and
-- 63 miles of stream improvement structures are being built.
-- In this third year, $35.7 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.

2002 -----------------------------
April 16, 2002 - 25 Honored With Second Governor's Watershed Stewardship Awards
May 1, 2002 - Growing Greener Wins 2001 Council of State Government's Innovation Award
May 2002 - First Watershed Awareness Month Celebrated- Senate Resolution 224, House Resolution 516
May 2002 - DEP Accepted The 2002 River Hero Award from River Network on Behalf of All Watershed Groups In Pennsylvania Working on the Growing Greener Program
June 29, 2002 -Growing Greener Was Expanded By Adding a $4.25/ton fee on municipal waste disposed Pennsylvania which increased DEP's portion of Growing Greener to $547.7 million from the original $240 Million. The Program was extended through 2012. (House Bill 2044)
August 7, 2002 - Nearly $35 Million in Growing Greener Grants Awarded
October 9, 2002 - DEP Named 2002 Ducks Unlimited Sponsor of the Year

In this fourth year of the program, more than $50 million was awarded. With the help of these funds:
-- 810 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 299 miles of riparian buffer are being restored;
-- 82 miles of streams impacted by acid mine drainage are being cleaned up;
-- 257 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed; and
-- 19.5 miles of stream improvement structures are being built.
-- In this fourth year, $66.5 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.

2003 -----------------------------
May 1, 2003 - Growing Greener Program Receives 2003 Karl Mason Award from the PA Association of Environmental Professionals.
September 18, 2003 -$37.4 Million In Growing Greener, Federal OSM Set Aside Grants Awarded
October 7, 2003 -443 Growing Greener Projects Completed Statewide

With the help of the funds awarded this year--
-- 330 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed;
-- 460 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 700 miles of streams impacted by non-point source pollution are being improved;
-- 500 miles of riparian buffer are being planted;
-- 500 miles of stream banks are being enhanced; and
-- 11 new watershed groups are being formed.
-- In this fifth year, $103 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.

2004 -----------------------------
February 3, 2004 - Gov. Rendell Announces Proposed $800 Million Growing Greener II Bond Issue Expanding the Original Program Growing Greener Program to Include Alternative Energy and Brownfields Reuse
July 14, 2004 - Growing Greener Funds 64 County Watershed Specialists

In spite of the significant cut in funding, Growing Greener helped:
-- 250 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed;
-- 400 acres of wetlands are being restored;
-- 300 miles of streams impacted by non-point source pollution are being improved;
-- 250 miles of riparian buffer are being planted;
-- 500 miles of stream banks are being enhanced; and
-- 3 new watershed groups are being formed.
-- In this sixth year, $38 million in matching funds supplemented the Commonwealth’s investment.
-- 2,881 acres of abandoned mine lands are being reclaimed by DEP;
-- 1,616 abandoned oil and gas wells are being plugged by DEP; and
-- $14 million in innovative technology grants through Growing Greener.

2005 -----------------------------
March 2, 2005 - Watershed Stewardship: A Planning And Resource Guide Made Available
April 13, 2005 - Adopted Legislation Putting a Question on the May Election Ballot Asking Voters to Approve a $625 Million Growing Greener II Bond Issue -- (House Bill 2)
May 17, 2005 -60 Percent of Voters Approve $625 Million Growing Greener II Bond Issue
July 13, 2005 -Legislation Approved to Allocate $625 Million Growing Greener II Bond Issue, Expanding the Original Program to Include Alternative Energy, Brownfields Reuse, Downtown Redevelopment, Historic Preservation, Funding for an Energy Efficient Appliance Tax Holiday, Funding for the First Time for the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions and a County-Level Growing Greener Program. Funds will be Spent Over Six years and will End in 2011. (House Bill 3)
The legislation also:
-- Transfered $50 Million from the Environmental Stewardship (Growing Greener) Fund to finance the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Program over the next two years; and
-- Authorized up to $60 Million annually from the Environmental Stewardship Fund for payment of Growing Greener II bond debt service

2006 ----------------------------
July 10, 2006 - Growing Greener Funds 66 County Watershed Specialists

2007 ----------------------------
August 22, 2007 -$154 Million Investment in 415 Growing Greener II Projects in the departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection, Conservation and Natural Resources, Community and Economic Development and the Game and Fish and Boat Commissions.

2008 ---------------------------

2009 ----------------------------
February 20, 2009 -$21.5 Million Invested in 144 DEP Growing Greener II Projects
November 20, 2009 - DEP announces it will continue Watershed Specialist funding through 2012.
November 23,2009 - DEP announces furlough of employees (including DEP watershed specialists)
affecting 258 positions.


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