Scrapbook Photo 10/07/24 - 148 New Stories - REAL Environmental & Conservation Leadership In PA:
Yeadon Borough's Innovative Solution To Stormwater Runoff In Delaware County
Yeadon Borough, Delaware County and the Pennsylvania Environmental Council celebrated the completion of the Borough's Urban Stormwater Demonstration Projects on December 7.

PEC, an advocate and technical advisor on urban stormwater management across the state, worked with Yeadon Borough to design and construct new facilities at Borough Hall. The state-of-art stormwater Best Management Practices, installed in conjunction with routine parking lot resurfacing, will better control flooding in the area and reduce pollution in nearby Blunston Run and Cobbs Creek.

"Demonstration projects like these set an example to other communities for how to better manage stormwater runoff," said Liz Feinberg, PEC's Stormwater Programs Manager. "Showcasing these practices and sharing information helps turn innovative, green practices like these into routine standards throughout the watershed."

The stormwater BMPs at Yeadon Borough Hall include:

--Porous Pavement Parking Lot with Subsurface Infiltration System - Yeadon Borough's newly surfaced parking lot at Borough Hall allows rain water landing on the lot to percolate through tiny spaces, or pores, in the asphalt and collect in an underground storage bed. From there, rain water soaks into the ground below.

This BMP reduces the amount of stormwater that accumulates in streets during storms. Instead, stormwater slowly recharges groundwater and creeks over time in a more natural and less damaging manner. For the Borough, this means reduced flooding, fewer flood hazards, and a parking lot that will dry more quickly after a rain.

--Water Quality Inserts- In conjunction with the parking lot resurfacing, state-of-art water quality filters were installed on storm drain inlets to trap and filter out litter, trash and dirt. These simple filtering devices prevent unwanted pollutants from entering the underground storm sewer system and ending up in streams. Using these devices in the parking lot will help keep Blunston Run clean and extend the life of the new subsurface infiltration system.

--Rain Barrel- Rain barrels collect stormwater runoff from roofs and temporarily store the water. During dry weather, this collected water can be used for watering site landscape and grass. This simple practice helps capture small amounts of stormwater during every storm, which helps reduce flooding in streets and streams, and recycles rain water and recharges groundwater - helping to keep our environment clean and healthy.

--Rain Gardens- Rain gardens to be installed this spring will help control stormwater and filter pollution. Pollutants such as oil, grease, dirt and fertilizer are readily picked up by rainwater flowing over streets, off roofs and across lawns. By diverting this stormwater to a rain garden, native plants, soils and naturally occurring microorganisms filter and trap pollutants, which helps cleanse stormwater before it flows into the creek. Rain gardens also create opportunities for more stormwater to soak into the ground and evaporate into the atmosphere; this helps reduce the volume runoff that otherwise flood our streets and streams.

"This is a wonderful way to showcase some relatively simple stormwater management practices, some of which can be used on small lots, including residential properties," said Feinberg.

Paul Janssen, Borough Manager, says "With support from PEC and technical guidance from CH2MHill (project engineer), the Borough is excited to use stormwater best management practices and to do its part to protect Blunston Run and the Cobbs Creek watershed. The BMPs at Borough Hall demonstrate techniques that not only reduce area flooding, but protect area creeks from damaging storm flows and make the site more environmentally-sustainable."

In many established communities and older neighborhoods, effective stormwater management is lacking. Seeking opportunities to control stormwater volumes and manage runoff close to where it falls to earth is increasingly important if we are to reduce flood damages and protect this valuable regional resource, says Joanne Dahme with the Philadelphia Water Department, which supports efforts outside the City through watershed partnerships. Similar BMPs are being installed in the city to better control stormwater runoff.

Funding and support for Yeadon Borough Hall's stormwater demonstration projects has come from Department of Environmental Protection, Growing Greener and Coastal Zone Management Programs; Delaware County Revitalization Program and the Delaware County Conservation District; Darby-Cobbs Watershed Partnership, the Philadelphia Water Department, and the William Penn Foundation.

For more information on the Yeadon Borough Hall Stormwater BMP Projects contact: Liz Feinberg, Pennsylvania Environmental Council, 215-592-7020, Ext 113 or Paul Janssen, Borough Manager - 610-284-1606.


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