DEP Seeks Green Energy Revolving Loan Fund Manager
The Department of Environmental Protection is seeking a fund manager for a new $12 million revolving loan fund to support energy saving and renewable energy projects.

The application deadline is 4 p.m. on January 6.

“By leveraging our federal funding, Pennsylvania will be able to finance energy efficiency and job-creating projects that will reduce energy costs for consumers, businesses and local governments,” said Gov. Rendell. “This funding will help produce significant environmental and economic benefits, and create a lasting legacy that will benefit Pennsylvanians for many years to come.”

Applicants must be able to demonstrate: experience in lending for projects that include energy efficiency and renewable energy; the level of matching capital leveraged for the fund beyond the minimum requirement; and the readiness to begin offering loans.

The revolving loan fund will finance energy efficiency upgrades that will save at least 25 percent of the total energy consumption of an entire building or facility, and develop and install onsite energy technology that generates electricity from renewable resources, and create and retain jobs.

The application and guidelines are available online.

Applications must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection Grants Center—Green Energy Loan Fund, 15th Floor, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 market St., P.O. Box 8776, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8776. Emails and faxes will not be accepted.

For more information, contact DEP’s Office of Energy and Technology Deployment at 717-783-8411.


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